He is so good!
God is so good!! I've been praying for my 93 year old grandmother for 17 years. Monday afternoon a bold, loving, woman of God, Joan asked her if she knew Jesus, she said sheepishly, yeah. "You mean you've surrendered your life to Jesus?" "Well, I don't know about that"she honestly said. "But Doris, you can trust him, he won't hurt you." My heart was going to jump out of my chest! I shut up (which isn't easy to do) and prayed that the Holy Spirit would go right to the "block". He did! The car ride home was quiet. God gave me the priveledge to witness this exchange. It went on for the length of our luncheon. I thank Jesus for this woman that was ready "in season and out to give the reason for the hope that is within her"!!!
You don't realize that it could be someone's grandmother that YOU could be witnessing to!
You don't realize that it could be someone's grandmother that YOU could be witnessing to!